Saturday, October 3, 2015

WSR 9-28-15

Disclaimer: These aren’t official translations, merely scanlations. Buy localized or original manga to support the author if at all possible. Know the difference between piracy/theft and sharing without personal profit.

No World Trigger this week. Magi’s also delayed, so we might get a chapter next time.

Boku no Hero Academia 61

Aizawa explains that all 10 teams will start the test simultaneously and will be told the basics by each teacher when they get there. They get into buses, which will transport them to the locations as we see the match ups, some of them interesting like Sero and Mineta with their adhesive type Quirks.

As All Might looks to Deku and Bakugou, we see that they’re both keeping their distance for different reasons. We flashback to the meeting that decided the matchups, Ashido and Kaminari against the principal because of their simplistic Quirks, while Todoroki and Yaoyorozu complement each other in that they each have weaknesses to consider from each other, like Todoroki’s use of brute force and Yaoyorozu’s overly cautious nature.

Deku and Bakugou were chosen purely because they clash more than even complementary Quirks or the like, All Might tasked with them partly because he’s Deku’s mentor.

Everyone arrives at their location as we hear the rules: they have 30 minutes to either get handcuffs on their teacher or escape the stage. The major challenge is the level of opponent and the justification is that, like the fight with Stain, sometimes one has to retreat and call for backup rather than fight head on.

One might think retreat is the only practical option, but the Support Department made super compressor weights to handicap the pro Heroes slightly. It’s designed by Hatsume, who was teamed up with Deku and others in the Sports Festival.

Bakugou thinks they’re still looking down on them to think that will give them motivation to fight rather than flee, but All Might says things aren’t set in stone.

The test begins, each teacher noting that they’re going to go all out in trying to beat the students.

Todoroki starts to strategize with Momo, saying that she needs to keep creating small objects in order to ascertain whether Eraserhead had found them, the Fire and Ice user planning to hold Aizawa off while she escapes.

We see Tokoyami and Asui work together to escape, each of their Quirks working well to pull or throw the other out of harm’s way.

Recovery Girl notes that adaptability and being able to work with anyone is a key skill, essentially for Heroes to show their abilities in any environment with any partner.

But we see how incompatible Bakugou and Deku are, the Explosion Quirk user saying he can handle All Might on his own, while the protégé of the #1 Hero says they have to try to retreat instead. Bakugou slaps his rival away, thinking that he’s underestimating him and getting too cocky with his own improvements.

The chapter ends as All Might shows his strength, a punch creating a shockwave that pushes the two Heroes back, saying that he’s ready to fight.

Seven Deadly Sins 142

Elaine’s resurrection shocks the fairies, especially Gerharde. King’s sister speaks about how they were talking with Ban and having fun, but blows everyone away with a massive gust of wind, called Imperial Wrath of Great Wind, knocking Gerharde again with a smaller blast.

She is jealous of them, saying Ban is hers and that no one else can have him. Clothing herself in black leaves, she seeks out Ban, calling out for Oslo.

Oslo reacts, moving to leave as he tells King he’s being summoned. Helbram tells Harlequin to stop Oslo, explaining that someone is bringing back the dead with regrets, corrupting them like Hendricksen did to him with the Druidic technique of revival.

King realizes that it must be Elaine, still in disbelief at his sister being back. He tells the others that he’s going to leave, and refuses their help, still not trusting Meliodas. Elizabeth asks why, King saying that Meliodas still keeps his true identity secret and that’s enough to make him suspicious.

He leaves, everyone concerned about him, but willing to help him if he calls for their help.

Elsewhere, Ban is burying Zhivago, Jericho noting how good of a person he is. But suddenly a corpse appears, Ban curious as it threatens Jericho, who he throws out of harm’s way.

The zombie attacks him, Ban realizing that they’ve gotten much stronger with this resurrection, killing the man quickly.

But Jericho is suddenly attacked by Elaine, narrowly dodging death as she sees the fairy appear before Ban. Elaine kisses Ban, who’s still in shock at her appearance as the chapter ends.

One Piece 802

Luffy’s group heading to Zou on Bartolomeo’s ship is assaulted by huge hailstones. It turns out Bartolomeo’s crew is amateurish, not even having a navigator to help them, consulting one of the crewmate’s grandmothers to give them advice.

The group decides to help them as we shift to the Marine Headquarters, where Kizaru is told about another captain that served under Whitebeard being eliminated by the former Yonkou’s alleged son, Edward Weeble. Some question his heritage, but Kizaru says that their only concern is his strength and how the Marines can use him as a Shichibukai.

Whitebeard’s supposed heir is scolded by his mother as he seems to still run rampant, causing collateral damage everywhere he goes. Her goal is gaining money, thinking that he deserves an inheritance from Whitebeard as his only son.

She hears about Doflamingo being ousted from power and thinks that since Luffy did it and that Marco protected him in the war at Marineford, he might be the best way to target the former #2 of Whitebeard’s fleet. Weeble also has a grudge against Blackbeard, but his mother says that won’t get them anything.

It’s been a week since Bartolomeo’s ship set off and now they’re lost in a massive patch of fog. One of the crew sees something that looks like a mountain in the distance, everyone thinking that he might be hallucinating from seasickness.

But they manage to navigate to Zou, which turns out to be a civilization on the back of an actual giant elephant, explaining why it’s not on any map and constantly changes location.

The chapter ends as we hear about the Mink, a tribe alluded to before at Sabaody in the auction house, who have been isolated for 1000 years, meaning the elephant is over a millennium old.

Bleach 645

Ex Axis is confused at how Shunsui got behind him and over such a great distance, the Captain Commander saying that it’s based on Daruma San Fell Over, a game similar to Red Light Green Light, but the Quincy isn’t aware of it.

Nanao managed to follow her captain to the fight, but he tells her that she needs to tell the others to go without him.

Shunsui explains the rules of Daruma San Fell Over, also similar in some ways to Marco Polo, where you have to try to find others moving around you with your eyes closed. Lille says that they have a similar game, the rules only somewhat different in specifying reiatsu and the like.

With the rules explained, Shunsui says they can fight evenly. He also says that what he saw wasn’t an illusion, but his reiatsu compressed. It turns out people have an innate reiatsu sense called Reikaku  that supplements their vision, but after a while, they start to trust their vision too much, so he was able to outwit his opponent. 

Ex Axis thinks that there's no way he'd have mistaken that concentrated reiatsu for Shunsui, but he emphasizes that he's the Captain Commander, so he shouldn't underestimate him.

Ex Axis thinks that he still can’t win, since they have intel on them from all their previous battles. Shunsui starts to play again, the Quincy attacking him as he gets into proximity. But Shunsui attacks with Kageoni, Lille dodging, which impresses the Captain Commander.

The two exchange blows again, Ex Axis saying that with his power of piercing through anything, dodging is impossible. But it turns out Shunsui changed the game to Kageokuri, which allows him to create an afterimage based on his reiatsu level.

As he explains the capricious nature of children playing games, the chapter ends with him saying that they’ll play until one of them dies.

Toriko 341

Acacia A, one of the portions of NEO, immediately recognizes the Enbu masters in Area 7 as food, eating them quickly and ruthlessly. It especially enjoyed inspiring fear in its prey and then eating them, but it’s stopped before it eats the Iai Aye by Terry. 

Quinn and Kiss are also there, slightly afraid, but standing strong because of the blood in their veins from the Eight Kings.

But behind them is what truly draws A’s attention, Monkey King Bambina, who seems to be able to fight it with no difficulty so far. The other Gourmet Cell Demons from NEO pursue their prey, changing shape or chasing them into the Back Channel. 

ANOTHER flees, while NEWS, guarded by the Sky Deer, has the monsters on its back fight for it, in large numbers, since it’s the calmest of the Eight Kings. EARTH is protected by the Snake King, who stares down its opponent, while ATOM is shielded by Emperor Crow, who forces its enemy to fly from the poison waterfall. 

And the Battle Wolf can sense them all, Toriko and Starjun’s fight interrupted by a call from Komatsu as the chapter concludes.

Fairy Tail 454

The threat of the battleships looms over the town, Lucy panicking, since they’re not ready.

As Azir orders the armada to fire on Magnolia, we see that Freed managed to set up a barrier, but he can’t maintain it for long with the sustained fire.

Mavis tells Warren to contact Bisca’s group for the Flying Osprey squad tactic, Bisca being told by Mavis that she needs to prepare her attack from the east.

Meanwhile, Azir’s subordinates note that something is approaching, a whizzing blast taking out one of the ships as we see Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel ready to fight as Flying Dragon Squad, their Exceed partners helping them fly. They’re managing to keep them occupied while Bisca prepares to make her shot, not wanting to waste it, since it takes 15 minutes to charge.

She fires, Azir deflecting it from the main ship, but surrounding ships being taken out in spite of his power to block the brunt of it.

Gajeel, Natsu and Wendy land on the ship, but fall over sickened, still having that Dragonslayer weakness to vehicles

Azir tells the other ships to land while he handles them, thinking that they’re all talk now.

But the ship is cut, Erza revealing herself as she managed to cut the spot where the Dragonslayers were immobilized away from the Sand Master, the chapter ending as she squares off against him.

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