Monday, April 29, 2019

WSR 4-29-19

Disclaimer: This blog mostly utilizes scanlations for scheduling purposes. If corrections are needed, they’re noted after reading official translations. Both have a place in the community, but buy official manga volumes to support the author. If you can, also subscribe to Crunchyroll and/or Shonen Jump through Viz Media to read chapters nearly simultaneous with Japan. Most of the series covered can be found through legal means, so please encourage the industry that gives us what we love

Shonen Jump will be on break next week for Golden Week

 Dr. Stone 103

Senkuu, Kohaku, Ryusui, Soyuz and Gen head off to scout out the area, but it turns out Suika was stowed away. As Ginrou explores the ocean floor, he finds statues, but Ukyo finds that odd with the timeline and Gen sees from a distance with a telescope that everyone but Suika has been mysteriously petrified. Meanwhile, Senkuu and Kohaku find some evidence that will let them track the inhabitants back to Treasure Island.

We Never Learn 109

Asumi does well in the doctor event at the maid café, but afterwards, she confides in Yuiga about her insecurities and wondering if she should keep pursuing medical school

Fire Force 170

While Arthur and Shinra are briefly seen enduring Shinmon’s training on a fire pit of sorts, Tamaki is still having difficulty against Hikage and Hinata. But after remembering how she’s worked so hard and everyone around her was always helping, Tamaki herself gains new resolve, her pyrokinetic abilities more empowered as the twins power up to test her further.

My Hero Academia 226

Himiko’s Quirk seems to have a new ability she didn’t realize when, after transforming into Ochako, Toga is able to use her anti gravity Quirk on Kizuki and her allies, defeating them as she emphasizes how she wants to connect with the people she “loves”

 One Piece 941

Orochi learns about the true identity of the Witching-Hour Boy we’ve heard about, Kyoshiro planning to have him executed soon, since he’s been captured. Luffy and Hyogoro are ready to fight, Queen’s oshiruko having been eaten by them last night.

Zoro is found by Brooke, who reveals that the Witching Hour Boy’s identity is Tonoyasu, Toko heading off as the others follow. But at the upcoming execution and Komurasaki’s “cremation”, we also discover the Tonoyasu was Yasuie, a former daimyo under Oden, the people wanting to save him.

Black Clover 203

Yami’s arm is drained of life by the demon’s magic, but Asta, Yuno and Patri are tasked to occupy it before it spreads further, Nozelle heading elsewhere to keep the others safe. Meanwhile, Finral sees Nero change into the form of a young girl (seemingly a demon?) and the Wizard King is partly freed, conscious now and heading back to the Shadow Palace with Nero’s help

Seven Deadly Sins 308

Everyone is trying to avoid talking to Meliodas about his power as the Demon King requiring that he leave, since the world is experiencing disasters everywhere as a result. Ban, Gowther, King and Escanor confront Meliodas, while Elizabeth tells Elaine, Diane and Merlin that she’s aware Meliodas will have to leave, having accepted it

If you enjoy this weekly blog, I also put out weekly animated film reviews and monthly manga reviews, among other content. Check out my Patreon ( and Ko-Fi ( to support my endeavors. Thanks so much

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

WSR 4-22-19

Disclaimer: This blog mostly utilizes scanlations for scheduling purposes. If corrections are needed, they’re noted after reading official translations. Both have a place in the community, but buy official manga volumes to support the author. If you can, also subscribe to Crunchyroll and/or Shonen Jump through Viz Media to read chapters nearly simultaneous with Japan. Most of the series covered can be found through legal means, so please encourage the industry that gives us what we love

Seven Deadly Sins is on break this week

 Dr. Stone 102

The crew discusses how curiosity drives humanity to pursue more and decides to take advantage of a sudden storm to get to the island without the inhabitants knowing they’re arriving

We Never Learn 108

Asumi opens up to Yuiga about how the clinic shutting down is making her upset and confused about her future career path. He takes a shift at the maid cafĂ© when they’re doing a nurse themed cosplay event, wanting to help Asumi somehow

Fire Force 168-169

Shinmon offers to train the 8th to help them utilize the full power of the pyrokinetic abilities, Shinra, Arthur and Kotatsu all arriving to be trained.

Shinra and Arthur are put on a stake for special training by Shinmon, while Kotatsu is pursued by Hikage and Hinata in her own challenge to become stronger. And Hibana brings in the 6th Division's captain to further investigate Konrou's experience with the Demon Infernal

My Hero Academia 225

Himiko is challenged by Kizuki, codename Curious, her followers becoming like bombs so her blood sucking Quirk backfires. But more than that, Kizuki desires strongly to interview Himiko because of how her situation seems so unique, Himiko retorting that she’s normal in her own mind

 One Piece 940

Usopp’s group in Kuri learns about how Tonoyasu is a kind man that helps the less fortunate in the village as repentance for selling his daughter Toko to the capital, also offering his help in the rebellion

At the Udon prison, Hyougoro is further inspired when he learns that the Red Scabbards still live, saying he can gather the other criminals in Udon as new allies

Black Clover 202

Yami and Charla (possessed Charlotte) continue to fight the demon, but when he uses his grimoire, the already immense power becomes even more overwhelming. Finral takes Nero to the demon god’s skeleton and, under Nero’s instructions, takes the magic stones and puts them in holes in the statue of the Wizard King, which seemingly revives him from a sealed state

If you enjoy this weekly blog, I also put out weekly animated film reviews and monthly manga reviews, among other content. Check out my Patreon ( and Ko-Fi ( to support my endeavors. Thanks so much

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

WSR 4-15-19

Disclaimer: This blog mostly utilizes scanlations for scheduling purposes. If corrections are needed, they’re noted after reading official translations. Both have a place in the community, but buy official manga volumes to support the author. If you can, also subscribe to Crunchyroll and/or Shonen Jump through Viz Media to read chapters nearly simultaneous with Japan. Most of the series covered can be found through legal means, so please encourage the industry that gives us what we love

 Dr. Stone 101

The group learns that the space shuttle Soyuz was used as the treasure chest to preserve the minerals like diamond and possibly even platinum, which can be used to make infinite revival formula. The unnamed person from Ishigami Village reveals that their name is Soyuz and that they washed up on Ishigami, indicating to Senkuu that the Treasure Island isn’t uninhabited

We Never Learn 107

Yuiga meets Asumi’s mother, Kasumi, who initially seems like she’s younger than him. But she and ASumi’s father Soujiro, continue to encourage Yuiga and Asumi’s couple activities, but Kasumi reveals she’s aware it’s fake, keeping it secret from Soujiro. But Asumi is stunned when she overhears that her father may be shutting down the clinic soon.

Fire Force 166-167

Maki asks to transfer back to the 8th, the 2nd Division captain thanking Kotatsu for helping Noto, who manages to survive. Giovanni escapes after Arthur’s attack, the bug experiment still making him near immortal.

Shinra decides to investigate how Konro of the 7th may have a connection with the Adolla, seeing how he’s still surprisingly strong, taking out a White Hood assassin with no pyrokinetic powers. He says he indeed did see something related to Adolla 2 years ago

My Hero Academia 224

Shigaraki decides to use Gigantomachia’s ability to track him to take out the MLA, though they arrive and come into conflict with members already, Himiko approached by Chitose Kizuki for an “interview”

 One Piece 939

Zoro learns more about the Nine Red Scabbards from Hiyori, who’s excited to meet her brother and the others. The allies of Kinemon are being imprisoned, while Luffy sees Grandpa Hyougoro use a more advanced Haki technique that will help him fight Kaidou 

Black Clover 201

Yami and Charlotte, the latter still possessed by an elf after Yami showed his power to her in their previous battle, assist Licht as he tries to fight the demon. Meanwhile, Finral is awoken after being healed, Nero talking unexpectedly, telling him to take the bird to the demon skeleton

Seven Deadly Sins 307

Everyone is recovering from the war, Howzer jealous of Griamore and Gilthunder’s romances, while Hawk is reminded of his brother by Meliodas and Ban singing the lullaby he taught them. But as the group is all partying at the Boar’s Hat, Ban tells Melidoas that he’s figured out his friend will have to leave soon

Seven Deadly Sins is on break next week

If you enjoy this weekly blog, I also put out weekly animated film reviews and monthly manga reviews, among other content. Check out my Patreon ( and Ko-Fi ( to support my endeavors. Thanks so much