Monday, September 28, 2020

MSR September 2020



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Disclaimer: Scanlations and official sources both have a place in the community, but buy official manga volumes to support the author. If you can, also subscribe to Crunchyroll and/or Shonen Jump through Viz Media to read chapters nearly simultaneous with Japan. Most of the series covered can be found through legal means, so please encourage the industry that gives us what we love


Burn the Witch wraps up this month, the movie (or 3 episode release according to Crunchyroll) coming out October 1


3 new series this month to fill in gaps left over, more likely in November at the earliest, possibly waiting until January 2021


First is Phantom Seer by Togo Goto and Kento Matsuura (artist of Tokyo Shinobi Squad), where our lead, a high school girl, discovers she attracts phantoms, initially interpreted as a sixth sense for danger. But in spite of this, she’s encouraged by a classmate, who’s a shaman with a dangerous power as well, to pursue her dreams even if her talents clash with that.




High School Family: Koukousei Kazoku (could’ve just called it High School Family, literal translation, but suffices) by Ryo Nakama has our lead dealing with his family all going to the same high school as him because of overly convenient circumstances (both parents only got minimum middle school education from Japan, sister’s a genius, even the cat is involved). It’s a gag manga, but feels like it isn’t going to do well, even if the author had a successful series in the past, Isobee Isobee Monogatari


Our Blood Oath by Kazu Kakazu, is set in a world where vampires are still in society, but mostly unknown. Our leads are a pair of brothers, though one is an adopted human, the other a vampire that he swore a blood oath with so that he can grant him greater power in exchange for his younger vampire sibling being dependent on his blood. The pair tries to encourage vampire/human coexistence while fighting vampiric beasts that threaten humans.





World Trigger 200-201


We meet Yotaro’s sister Ruka, both of them being taken care of by Border after their parents died, their surnames of Rindo and Shinoda respectively falsified.


Jin tells about how Galopoula tried to infiltrate, easily discovered. But after some negotiations, the away mission is delayed by about 50 days (planned from the start) and Takumi reveals to Galopoula that Border has a Mother Trigger, from an allied Neighbor country Aristera, explaining their technological advance in a short time. Even more surprising, Yotaro and Ruka are royal children that escaped Aristera’s destruction 5 years ago. 



Dr. Stone 164-167

 The dogfight changes advantage multiple times as Stanley uses advanced techniques and Ryusui also attempts a dangerous maneuver that manages to get them behind Stanley to attempt a shot with the handgun


Senkuu and Ryusui, to combat Stanley’s maneuvers that mean to avoid their shots, throw more acetylene gas to stall his engine. Meanwhile, Xeno’s plan was a submarine that launches a surprise attack on the aircraft carrier. But Moz and Matsutake combat the soldiers, their own capacity an advantage over those dependent on long range guns.


Moz and Matsutake fend off the attacks excellently, but when Senkuu and Ryusui crash after taking out Stanley, it turns out the pilot was someone else, Stanley shooting and disabling Moz and Matsutake. And Tsukasa attacks to capture Xeno at the castle


Chrome and Xeno are trapped in a cave in after managing to infiltrate and capture him. But after making a rough digging implement, Chrome gets out, telling Xeno he has no right to assert he can guide everyone else merely because he has great scientific prowess and power.





We Never Learn 172-175


Yuiga and Asumi try to advertise the maid tea house at the festival, ending up getting more friendly with the islanders when they help an old man who threw out his back. Asumi and Yuiga kiss, seemingly getting closer in spite of her teasing, but she leaves abruptly, a student Yuiga helped before nearby wondering what their relationship is


At a hot spring secluded in the mountains, Yuiga has to hide with Asumi’s help when she appears with some students. They ask her about her feelings for Yuiga and she tries changing the subject. After they’re scared off, Asumi seemingly suggesting they are very close and adult, Yuiga is teased by Asumi again, but we see that Asumi (seemingly learning something about Nariyuki’s father, Teruaki) doesn’t want to admit her feelings.


We learn that Sojiro not only has become aware that Asumi and Nariyuki’s relationship was fake, but also that he was unable to help Nariyuki’s father, Teruaki, who refused to get a surgery unless Sojiro performed it (impossible with the small clinic's limited equipment). This guilt over the inability to save someone close to Nariyuki bled to Asumi as well. She runs away from Nariyuki, still unwilling to admit her feelings, though the Dohacchan keychain he gave her falls out, suggesting she does still love him. And two kids from Nariyuki’s class are stuck on a dock during a typhoon (because more danger!)


Nariyuki and Asumi rescue the kids, though Sojiro has to save Nariyuki when the dock collapses. It doesn’t look good when Sojiro’s arm is injured, unable to perform a life-saving surgery on Nariyuki, but Asumi decides she’ll do it in his place




My Hero Academia 283-285


With Gigantomachia looming over the cities in his path and Shigaraki’s threat also imminent, Deku realizes that All For One’s power is too much for his body, even the regeneration not keeping up with the damage taken after Shigaraki pushed his body’s limits. And as Shigaraki utilizes Decay, Deku combines Black Whip and Float to lift everyone into the air and fight Shigaraki in a new context



As Deku fights Shigaraki, Bakugou remembers discussing how All Might is still keeping some secrets from his successor about One For All, especially the fourth holder of the power, less knowledge from his memories (or possibly misusing it?). The chapter concludes as Deku, pushing himself further and having experience from prior training we saw in the flashback with Bakugou, seeks to finish off Shigaraki



Endeavor, with Bakugou and Shoto’s help, blasts Shigaraki with a Prominence Burn, hoping to finish the villain off so Deku doesn’t overexert himself (a major risk at this point). But All For One utilizes Shigaraki’s body as a medium and tries to attack Deku, Bakugou pushing him out of the way, seeking to protect his friend and rival.



Fire Force 232-235


We see Shinra and Sho’s mother, Mari (Mary mother of Jesus reference?) and how she persisted in spite of her parents virtually disowning her. And after Shinra is born, the idea that he could be a savior of the world is what keeps her strong when her mother appears and leaves while saying the child will bring her misfortune.


Sho concludes that he is meant to be a guardian for Shinra, a hero reflecting how Adolla is imprinting memories from the previous world, such as Jesus, born of a virgin and seen as a savior. In the present, Sho moves to protect Shinra, who’s discussing the 8th’s plans to save the Empire


The White Hoods discuss how things are looking successful, human thought heading towards death and thus making the Cataclysm truly destructive. The 8th Pillar emerges and a different Titan Infernal appears, signaling that the Cataclysm is close at hand. When Honda is fired at it, he’s deflected away, to the shock of the forces. 



As the Pillar gets closer, what appears to be Raffles I appears, raining destruction from the Infernal’s wheel spokes. Shinra arrives, all the while people are slowly turning into Infernals as the Cataclysms draws closer.



One Piece 989-991


Luffy and Zoro try to get up to Kaido, but are stopped by King and Queen, while the other Straw Hats, including Jinbe assisting Robin, keep Big Mom occupied while Yamato tries to go with Shinobu and Momo, who don't trust Kaidou’s son. And the Numbers are revealed to be failed attempts to revive Ancient Giants on Punk Hazard that Kaidou has in his employ.


The Tobi Roppo are tasked by King to stall Luffy’s group from getting to Kaidou. But Drake, on suspicion of being a spy, is attacked and decides to aid Luffy in attacking the Numbers, while we briefly see Kinemon’s group against Kaidou, the Minks transforming under the full moon


Usopp and Nami draw Page One and Ulti’s ire, Luffy and Sanji heading to confront Kaidou, while Zoro and Drake team up against Scratchman Apoo. Kaidou, meanwhile, attacks the Akazaya Nine, who stand up against his assault, Jack having been defeated by Catviper and Dogstorm, along with the other Minks in Sulong form.




Black Clover 263-265


Nacht explains to the captains that he will train Asta and others to mount a force against the Spade kingdom, since the threat of Qliphoth and the underworld is more imminent than realized, Yami and Vangeance set to die in a week after the rituals begin, unleashing 10 devils, Lucifero the strongest that signals the end of the world. 


Yuno reveals that he’s a Spade Kingdom prince and vows to save Vangeance in return for his sacrifice to protect the Golden Dawn. Nacht agrees and as they plan their strategy, Noelle is awoken by Patri, Rhya, Fana and Vetto in the Heart Kingdom.


Noelle, along with Mimosa, Nero, Leopold and Luck, are brought to Elysia, the new kingdom of the elves, since one of the twins Tetia carried was saved and lived on into the future. With the threat of the Dark Triad still looming, Noelle and the others want to grow stronger, Licht saying they can with Ultimate Magic.