Saturday, January 27, 2018

WSR 1-22-18

Disclaimer: This blog mostly utilizes scanlations for scheduling purposes. If corrections are needed, they’re noted after reading official translations. Both have a place in the community, but buy official manga volumes to support the author. If you can, also subscribe to Crunchyroll and/or Shonen Jump through Viz Media to read chapters nearly simultaneous with Japan. Most of the series covered can be found through legal means, so please encourage the industry that gives us what we love

Dr. Stone is unexpectedly on break this week. And Golem Hearts will be delayed until next week, most likely.

Act-age, by Tatsuya Matsuki and Shiro Usazaki, is the other Jump Start debuting in early 2018 from Weekly Shonen Jump. Kei Yonagi, a girl who has an innate talent for method acting, is chosen by a director, Sumiji Kuroyama for his next movie in spite of being rejected by an agency. Seen as dangerous by the CEO of the talent agency, he persists in spite of that to nurture her abilities as an actor, which will also help her younger siblings, the three of them all they have left after their parents left them orphaned. Has some potential, though I worry it’ll suffer the same lack of popularity Cross Account did because it’s a bit too heavy in terms of the subject

We Can’t Study 47

At cram school, Rizu and Fumino are seen as geniuses by the other students, getting full marks in math and Japanese respectively but their scores in the opposite are painfully low still, to their dismay

Some of the students are talking about Rizu and Fumino being geniuses, but also say there’s someone called the Shadow Emperor who’s even better than both of them

When Rizu and Fumino come in to ask Yuiga for help and he starts to tutor them, everyone starts to think he must be the Shadow Emperor

Asumi knows it’s unlikely, especially since she knows him fairly well since he’s entered cram school in his own limits.

Even Uruka approaches him, some of the students, one called Takahashi, jealous of how popular he is, thinking he’s not taking cram school seriously. They decide to keep an eye on him to find out his trick, ASumi thinking they’re not taking cram school seriously either

Yuiga offers Fumino some help with math, suggesting that she write out the answer and explanation to have it more solidly in her memory, Fumino thanking him and calling him Nariyuki, his first name

This surprises Uruka and Rizu, Fumino stopping Yuiga from explaining that they were at a hotel before. She says they were just playing a game where they pretended to be siblings, that explanation enough to deceive Uruka and Rizu.

Yuiga brings up some misspellings in Uruka’s English test, but she doesn’t respond until he calls her by her first name.

Fumino is stunned by how forward she’s being, RIzu also insisting that Yuiga call her by her first name. Uruka asks Rizu to do so too, everyone super friendly while Yuiga tells them to focus on studying.

Asumi’s leaving, but she sees the group including Takahashi from before bemoaning how popular he is. She tells them that they wasted their day focusing on him instead of improving themselves, the three amazed that she’s talking to them, popular in her own right

As she points out that they should keep following Yuiga, the three see that he’s still in class, writing down self made questions and flashcards to help Uruka, Rizu and Fumino with the stuff they had problems with

Asumi says that they may be right with him being a perv in his heart, but she still acknowledges that he’s a guy that does his best, the trio praising Yuiga the next day and asking him for help as well

The chapter ends as Asumi pretends she doesn’t know anything, instead asking him if she wants him to call her by her first name too

Black Clover 142

Everyone’s happy at their victory over Rades and Sally, though the Eye of the Midnight Sun members aren’t willing to give up

But Valtos appears from a spatial magic opening, saying that he’s got what they came for, telling Rades that Licht won’t accept failure this time, the group leaving, even though Rades tries to say they’re not retreating

Gauche and the others are still wrapping their heads around the base’s transformation, Henry saying it might take time to restore it to the original appearance.

Shifting over to the Golden Dawn headquarters, Yami is irritated at having to wait for William to come apologize, even walking all the way here rather than using Finral.

The others insist William respects him and had no intent to teach Langris to disrespect the Black Bulls like he did

Yami remembers when he and William were still training and Julius making them Magic Knight Captains, their squads seemingly newer than others in the past

William approaches Julius on the roof of another building. He thanks the Wizard King for his time, saying how much he appreciates all that the Wizard King has done for him since 11 years ago, giving him his grimoire, his mask and making him a Magic Knight Captain

But he also values someone else, unable to truly choose between his two good friends, saying that they’ll have to decide.

The scar changes, his appearance shifting as well, revealing that William is both himself and also Licht, connected in some way to that inborn scar.

The chapter ends as Licht thanks Julius, his one human friend, Julius saying he didn’t want his friend to be the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun

Boku no Hero Academia 168

Deku awakens after Aoyama leaves the window, but he’s aware that Aoyama was there, wondering why he was doing that when he’s in the next room anyway.

When he opens the door to the veranda, he sees that Aoyama has spelled out “I know” in cheese, which just confuses Deku more.

The next day, Aoyama greets Deku with a wink, Deku not able to sleep well after seeing all that stuff last night

Deku thinks there must be something with Aoyama for him to be so interested in Deku even though he seems to be a free spirit in general.

Mineta and Kaminari talk with Jirou and others about how Mt. Lady, Edgeshot and Kamui Woods are forming a team, wondering if they should do that when they become pro Heroes.

Ashido is enthusiastic about the idea, though she’s mostly just thinking about Quirk combos rather than compatibility of their personalities

Everyone goes to train their super moves more, Kirishima still working on Unbreakable.

Bakugou asks Deku if he’s improved, Deku admitting he’s falling behind in improving his abilities with a limited One For All. He can only bring out about 20% now and couldn’t beat Chisaki without Eri’s help

Aoyama shows off a new move with his Navel Laser, even carving a French phrase into the stone pillar he’s standing nearby, but collapses with how much it affects his stomach.

Deku takes him to rest for a bit, asking about the message from before, Aoyama replying that the Quirk of One For All doesn’t suit Deku’s body

He also had issues with his Quirk, seeing Deku as a kindred spirit. Aoyama says they should work together, farting abruptly because of his Quirk affecting his gastrointestinal area in some way

The chapter ends as Deku and Aoyama start to become better friends, the end of the previous chapter seemingly a misdirect in terms of Aoyama being the traitor.

One Piece 892

Everyone realizes that it’s Sanji and the others coming with the cake, Big Mom distracted by the aroma. 

Sanji is dancing from side to side as he screams that he’ll protect Nami, others recognizing this from a distance, though they can’t tell who it is.

Perospero is divided between giving the cake to Big Mom and worrying about whether it’s poisoned.

Bege asks Sanji if they can attack Big Mom after she’s done eating, Sanji saying that they can do what they want, the main goal now to calm her down with the cake.

Pudding takes Sanji in Rabiyan, flying towards the Thousand Sunny.

Big Mom follows Bege’s ship as it changes directions, heading towards Liqueur Island.

Sanji and Pudding arrive on the Thousand Sunny, the others happy to see him, Nami embracing him, which makes Black Leg flip out as expected.

Jinbe asks why Sanji was working with Bege, Sanji explaining that Bege and his crew still intend to assassinate Big Mom, agreeing to that as long as their ship can get away safely.
Brook lies when Sanji asks about Pedro and Carrot, saying they’re both sleeping in the ship.

As the ships start to split up, Perospero is contacted by Bege, who says they’ll let Big Mom go after she eats the cake, the Candy Man not believing him

Bege insists they should follow the Straw Hats, ending the conversation. Perospero and Bavarois persist in following Bege, telling Smoothie, who’s been following behind them, to pursue the Straw Hats to Cacao Island

Smoothie, along with her sisters Citron and Cinnamon, ready to follow after the Straw Hats

Sanji and the others process the revelation that Big Mom and the others know about the Straw Hats’ meeting place with Luffy, thinking they can’t possibly beat the fleet waiting for them.

Bege continues to lure Big Mom and Persopero, Chiffon convincing him that they’re doing the right thing in repaying this debt to Sanji

The Straw Hats are still strategizing, Smoothie’s fleet coming from behind and a trap likely waiting at Cacao Island. Sanji says they have to press on

Back at Cacao Island, Mont’Dor and Tamago tell Oven to destroy all but one mirror on the island, preventing Luffy from escaping outside the island if he uses this one to get away from Katakuri

Luffy continues his fight with Katakuri, the Mochi Man observing that his opponent’s Observation Haki is improving and that he has to beat him now

As Luffy moves to dodge, Katakuri stabs him with the Mogura Trident as the chapter ends with the seemingly mortal blow

Seven Deadly Sins 251

Bartra is told that everyone who was taken away by the Ten Commandments has returned, free of Zeldris’ Piety, overjoyed at this, everyone still processing that they were teleported away by Merlin.

Elizabeth and the remaining Seven Deadly Sins arrive, praised by Bartra for saving everyone, though Merlin explains that Gowther is still recovering and Meliodas and Ban are involved with their own obligations.

Gilthunder and Margaret arrive, along with Rueduciel’s new Stigma group, Sariel and Tarmiel among them in the forms of Solaseed (the minstrel character from Gloxinia and Dolor’s Fighting Festival) and Arbus (the priest character from the same event) , Elizabeth recognizing them with her new powers.

Hendricksen assures Bartra that they are much stronger with these new allies, Dreyfus pulling him aside as he starts to say they could even defeat Zeldris

Rueduciel explains to Bartra that Margaret offered her body to him willingly, saying that they intend to form an alliance with the humans and the Seven Deadly Sins against the Demon Clan

Elizabeth says they don’t want to kill Meliodas, insisting he didn’t betray them even though Rueduciel points out that he’s allied with Zeldris and Estarossa now. 

But she acknowledges that they need their strength in order to win, Merlin saying that the Sins will accept whatever decision she makes, serving as their captain now.

The two manifest their Ark as swords and crossing them to symbolize their pact to form an alliance against the Demon Clan as the chapter ends with Meliodas seeing this from the distance

Saturday, January 20, 2018

WSR 1-15-18

Disclaimer: This blog mostly utilizes scanlations for scheduling purposes. If corrections are needed, they’re noted after reading official translations. Both have a place in the community, but buy official manga volumes to support the author. If you can, also subscribe to Crunchyroll and/or Shonen Jump through Viz Media to read chapters nearly simultaneous with Japan. Most of the series covered can be found through legal means, so please encourage the industry that gives us what we love

One Piece is on break this week

Bozebeats, by Ryoji Hirano, a new Jump Start in Weekly Shonen Jump Magazine, is a great premise, where monks have become more modernized in their fight against evil spirits. And the protagonist, a seemingly feral child called Tamaki, is taken in by Ryudaiji, a monk investigating an incident in the mountains where he was raised by a wolf. Tamaki seems to have some mystery behind his unknown past, possessing a power to absorb souls like a demon would and now, he’s off to discover who he is.

Golem Hearts 10

Noah and Carles bring the bodies down, Carles in shock that high ranking arcanists would be killed like this. He says that they should go back, but Noah insists they need to go to help Erebus, since he’s a fellow arcanist

Carles and Lily are left behind, Noah telling them they can go back, but Carles says he won’t leave his friend behind and Lily tags along because she feels she needs to be strong too

The group arrives in town proper, buildings destroyed and no sign of the townspeople. There had been fighting previously, the Riddle Golem indiscriminate in who it kills, so people couldn’t live here peacefully

A massive structure is seen in the distance, Noah rushing towards it out of curiosity. But they find that it has people buried inside, some of their bodies sticking out. Noah is saddened by such a display, causing people such suffering

Suddenly, someone crashes in from above, complaining that they’re late and that they need to apologize

We see the Riddle Golem, looking down on them because they’re humans. Noah asks if it was the one who did this, the golem becoming silent. Carles apologizes on behalf of them, the golem laughing as it rants about how humans are weak and pathetic.

It says it’s so much stronger than humans, yet they put it below them in the hierarchy. There was such joy when it killed its master and then it thought making the tower with dead humans buried in it was an appropriate monument to its power, the arcanists at the entrance described as a sign for visitors

Carles realizes that this golem has warped emotions and they have to stop it

He uses a Golem Art, Level 3, Plural, multiplying Serpent’s arms and making it bind up the golem.

But the chapter ends as the Riddle Golem seems to turn the attack around and compress Serpent into a weapon, saying that they shouldn’t get full of themselves.

Dr. Stone 43

We start a flashback to a few days before the incident where everyone on Earth was turned to stone.

Byakuya, Senkuu’s father, enters the ISS, meeting the other members and accompanied by Lilian, a rich diva who paid money to get on the ISS, a space tourist of sorts

She acts stuck-up but it turns out to be a front, actually quite nice and wanting to be good friends during the week she’ll be on the ISS.

The others get along well, Lilian broadcasting a small concert to her fans from space. Shamil and Byakuya, the other 2 that left on the Soyuz, the ship that took them to the ISS, aren’t that interested in contacting anyone, Shamil single and Byakuya knowing that Senkuu is into his own research anyway

We see Senkuu investigating the occurrence of the swallows turning to stone, thinking it’s not just coincidence.

Back on the ISS, Byakuya is trying Japanese food in space, offering some to Shamil, who initially rejects it, though he tries it when Byakuya suggests they need some fun on the ISS.

But suddenly, the stone incident occurs, the ISS unable to connect for a moment after the bizarre explosion seen from space. Byakuya manages to reconnect to the internet, finding a camera that shows them everyone petrified

They debate whether to stay and wait for survivors or go down, Byakuya insisting they are the last 6 of humanity now and that they need to help everyone on Earth as the chapter ends on this resolve

We Can’t Study 46

Miharu is tutoring Yuiga regarding exams, having experience from being at Tokei Girls’ University. She says one should properly allocate time, discern the question format and understand how to maximize ones’ score.

Yuiga is impressed, though Miharu, having gone to all girls’ schools her whole life, is still shy around boys, staying at least 5 feet or so away from Yuiga and Mafuyu. She asks him to call her Miharu, not Mafuyu’s sister, but even takes that the wrong way, thinking he’s being overly intimate with her

Mafuyu explains that her sister can be a perfectionist, to the point that in the past, she scared away a dog they had because her training regimen was so strict. But Yuiga welcomes learning from a top student, wanting to pass it on to his students.

Miharu moves closer to Yuiga, not wanting her sister to be distracted and trying to seduce him herself

But he isn’t fazed by her shoulder touching him, Miharu frustrated that shoujo manga tropes are failing her.

Mafuyu is surprised Yuiga is so resistant, standing up to get some canned peaches, but falling over because her legs fell asleep from kneeling so long. 

Miharu tries the same thing, Yuiga blushing slightly, which makes her think she’s succeeding. But it turns out her skirt slid up her thigh, nearly exposing her underwear, quickly moving to fix that, mortified at what happened.

Mafuyu asks Yuiga where the can-opener is, Yuiga offering to help, though Mafuyu says she can do it. This bickering seems like a married couple to Miharu

Yuiga asks Miharu if she doesn’t like the fact that her sister became a teacher, Miharu saying that Mafuyu was a genius, but never opened up to anyone, so she wonders if teaching is the best thing for her.

He retorts that she can be misunderstood at times, but she has good qualities and cares about her students even if she doesn’t show it all the time.

Mafuyu interjects, saying that Miharu doesn’t understand that she and Yuiga’s connection as a teacher and student is important to her, even praising Yuiga. He notices that she mistakenly picked up a drink that was alcoholic instead of the soft drink she had before. Miharu says she just turned 20, so she wanted to have a drink with her sister.

As Mafuyu is put to bed, Miharu admits defeat, but says she still won’t accept their relationship, Yuiga not understanding.

But as he tries to leave, she says she meant what she said about teaching him for 24 hours (something I forgot to mention at the end of last chapter in terms of details) and they continue studying into the morning.

Mafuyu wakes up, telling Yuiga she warned him her sister was a perfectionist.

Black Clover 141

Everyone’s still shocked at Henry’s amount of power to transform the Black Bull’s hideout. He explains that it’s not just his mana, it’s everyone elses' mana, though he thinks to himself he can’t get too close or he’ll suck more than necessary, which he started to do when Yami first me him

Still desiring to help his fellow members, Henry puts on his own Black Bull cloak.

Rades thinks he can’t do anything against his No. 0’s power, but we see that Henry is able to manipulate the hideout to do things like a corkscrew punch, even a rocket punch, knocking the zombie back

The sheer power frustrates Rades, thinking Michael Caesar should be able to beat it easily

Sally comments that the body doesn’t feel pain, but she wants to study it further, injecting herself with a Dark Magic Tool, Demon Scorpion Necklace. For 10 minutes, her magic power will be multiplied tenfold

She summons a massive Gel Salamander, Henry’s attacks futile against its body composition. She then enhances it with another magic tool, the salamander starting to overtake the Black Bull’s hideout.

Gauche, Grey and Gordon move to help, Gray multiplied by Gauche’s Mirror Magic so she can change Sally’s Gel magic attribute into Plant.

Gordon unleashes his Poison Magic, melting the plant salamander.
Rades commands his zombie to attack while Gauche and the others are vulnerable, but Henry stomps on the enemy with the full force of the hideout, the chapter ending as they’re seemingly victorious.

Boku no Hero Academia 167

As the teacher thanks Bakugou’s group, Todoroki keeps her back as Bakugou and Inasa are tasked with breaking down the massive ice slide they made, the kids also volunteering to help

One of the kids tells Todoroki about his Quirk, which seems to be able to just eat anything, serving as a great tool for clearing disaster areas

The teacher is impressed that the kids are so complacent, Gang Orca saying their attitude about adults has changed with the Heroes in training, but he says that Quirk education is still something that they have to leave to people like her.

We see that the kids truly respect Bakugou’s group, Camie getting asked by the girls if they can talk to her again in the future, Gang Orca impressed with how they managed to figure out his challenge

The group leaves as Gang Orca continues to talk, the Hero shocked when he sees that they’re gone

As the others head out, they see Shishikura and his teacher talking with All Might and Present Mic, as well as Endeavor. They’re wondering why the League of Villains targeted Shiketsu, especially Camie. The idea is to try cooperative training exercises in the future, Bakugou and Shishikura bickering with their opposing personalities.

Endeavor approaches Todoroki, who initially rebuffs his father. But the #1 Hero tells him that he’s proud of his son and that he’ll strive to become a Hero that Todoroki can respect as well

All Might is happy to see how everyone’s progressing, bit by bit towards becoming better people and Heroes.

The time flies into October from September, Deku, Tsuyu, Ochako and Kirishima attending Nighteye’s funeral, Nighteye’s internship with Mirio, along with the others under Fatgum and Ryukyu, postponed while things adjust with Centipeder taking over from his superior’s position in the agency.

Meanwhile, Eri has recovered, though there’s still psychological evaluation to be done. They observed that the horn on her head has shrunk, likely connected to how her Quirk functions, now more stable than before.

Everyone is studying hard for final exams in a few months, Deku especially feverish in his enthusiasm, though he makes a calculation error for a math problem presented by Ectoplasm.

Aoyama offers Deku some French cheese, eating by himself, since he doesn’t like the cafeteria food

Deku comments to himself that he never was able to read Aoyama very well and the chapter ends as we see that Aoyama may very well be the traitor that has been suspected since the League of Villain’s initial attack on Yuuei as he looks on at Deku as he sleeps from a window.

Seven Deadly Sins 250

Everyone’s shocked at the massive explosion of magic power, Merlin appearing at the Boar’s Hat. She explains that Zeldris was so focused on her, he didn’t see the attack from Rueduciel and took it head on.

Merlin says that now is the best time for them to take action, the Boar’s Hat teleported to take the fight elsewhere.

Ruediciel is still impressed at how compatible Margaret’s body is as a vessel, but Gilthunder begs him to release his lover. Hendricksen is excited at the prospect of the power shown but Drefyus tells him that they shouldn’t ask Gilthunder and Margaret to sacrifice anymore than they already have

Zeldris, barely surviving the attack with his power, counterattacks with Dies Irae, launching a blast of demonic energy down at Rueduciel and the others.

Chandler, drinking to relax, is annoyed at the noise above, but also hears Meliodas, calling for Elizabeth, who has escaped.

Realizing this is the perfect opportunity, he tears off pieces of his beard and turns them into flying homunculi that he sends to find Elizabeth and kill her

Merlin and the others appear above Camelot, moving to help the citizens, since they’re only safe because Zeldris is occupied elsewhere, but due to the deal falling through, they’ll be in danger from demons soon. She teleports them to Liones as fast as she can, the others helping

Elizabeth rushes at Diane, who notices one of Chandler’s clones moving to attack her from behind. It slashes her forehead, but Diane grabs her and smashes the clone as the group leaves Camelot with Elizabeth in tow.

Chandler is irritated that he couldn’t kill Elizabeth as his clone returns, but he’s happy that she’s away from Meliodas at least.

Elizabeth explains that she wants to stop Meliodas from becoming the Demon King, but Diane says that he’s doing this for her sake

The daughter of the Supreme Goddess says she won’t accept that, wanting to stop him because if he becomes Demon King, he’ll be forever separated from everyone by its power.

The chapter ends as she resolves to sacrifice herself, being reborn afterwards by the curse, in order to stop Meliodas with everyone’s help