Black Clover

Black Clover

Monday, September 30, 2024

MSR September 2024



MSR September 2024






If you enjoy this monthly blog, I also put out bi-weekly animated film reviews among other content. Check out my Patreon ( and Ko-Fi ( to support my endeavors. Any contribution is appreciated, even sharing to friends.






Disclaimer: Scanlations and official sources both have a place in the community, but buy official manga volumes to support the author. If you can, also subscribe to Crunchyroll or Shonen Jump and/or Shonen Manga through Viz Media to read chapters virtually simultaneous with Japan. Most, if not all, of the series covered can be found through legal means, so please encourage the industry that gives us what we love


Jujutsu Kaisen follows My Hero Academia in ending a somewhat shorter, but nonetheless popular run from 2018, just over 6 years. At least one more series may end within the year, you’ll hear it here when it happens. My money's on Undead Unluck, mostly since it's the oldest apart from One Piece and other classics




Kyokutou Necromance ended at 18 chapters, unfortunately having to do lore dump right at the end.


Psych House concludes at 17 chapters, even more disappointing because it was a fun slice of life that filled a niche that’s only semi filled with Super Psychic Policeman Chojo, still going strong


3 new series this month, first is Ichi the Witch by writer Osamu Nishi (of Welcome To Demon School Iruma-kun fame) and Shiro Usazaki (artist of Act-age). In a world where magic is alive in the form of Majiks, those who acquire them are called Witches. Our lead, Ichi, is a hunter who grew up in the Druid Mountains where Uroro the King Majik resides. And the strongest Witch, Descarras, discovers Uroro’s heart cannot be pierced by a woman, saved by Ichi’s intervention. And this allows Ichi to become the only male Witch in the world


Next is Shinobi Undercover by Ippon Takegushi and Santa Mitarashi, the team behind Candy Flurry. Yodaka, a skilled ninja, is tasked with guarding Aoi Mukai, a clutzy high school girl. And, while he’s excellent in combat, he struggles in social interactions, assisted in the mission by other ninja on the same general mission, all managing the “fake” life for Aoi


Last is Hakutaku by newcomer Kouki Ishikawa, features high schooler Hikuma, who’s developed a talent for playing games even at school, learning about people’s habits and patterns. Not even realizing he’s being bullied, he has a positive and generous outlook. New student, Raika Noto, bringing up his situation and how she can help, suggesting he use his gamifying talent and have her help him make a game for their class to counter the bullying. And the responses are so good that Hikuma decides he really wants to make games





Kyokutou Necromance 18 [END]


We meet the sorcerers that created the rings (seemingly African in origin?), meeting up with the Shiryo Sorcery Society head at an airport. Their leader, a shiryo from an unnamed African nation, meets up with Kaoru. After an invasion, the country released shiryo across the world, the Chitari-lookalike holding a flame for Kaoru’s great great grandfather. Unfortunately, it means she targets Kaoru’s grandma, thankfully only using her as a threat so Kaoru can agree to marry her. And things conclude as Yoji, who faked his death, is fishing, seemingly getting a call about another job






Nue’s Exorcist 64-68


We see Kazusa and Gakuro helped by other Exorcist Captains, Gakuro still able to fight in spite of his Hollow Weapon breaking. Gakuro notices Raisei’s Hollow Weapon is the same design as his, Nue previously allied with the Exorcist Bureau to seal the other Hyo, but was seemingly betrayed as well. And Kasha is said to be the one who created the system that created the Level 4s (or possibly Nue? Maybe people just assumed it was Nue), the Hyo prepared to destroy everything. The two Hyo clash, compared to two natural disasters


We see Jinpachi, a student that featured early on, is part of a family that venerates Kasha as a god that protected them from a tsunami (plot point that comes too late?). Meanwhile, Nue and Kasha’s fight continues, but Raisei decides with Kasha to leave for now, planning for the upcoming resurrection of the Hyo. Nue bids him goodbye, revealing his surname is Fujino (same as one of the major exorcist clans). The next day, Hakutaku is revealed to be captured by Nue and they “interrogate” her under the guise of a welcome party


As everyone enjoys the party, Hakutaku opens up in a slight way, given her weakness to kids and “teaching” them. We learn Raisei was indeed of the Fujino clan and their unique constitution allows them to absorb spirits, seen with Shiroha in her introduction. And Raisei’s plan is to speed up the Hyo’s resurrection, likely starting in 2 weeks. But his plan involves a particular member, since he doesn’t have the Ritual Blades


We’re told Shin, another of Raisei’s Level 4 allies, can copy any physical thing he touches with a special ability (in a painful process we see part of). And Kasha’s ability to manipulate dimensions would speed up the resurrection if he can unlock it with a Ritual Blade, even a copy. Izane, the Exorcist Bureau Head arrives, appointing the Sixth and First Branches to defeat the Hyo. The Ritual Blade is completed by Shin, while Gakuro begins training with Nue, assisted by Vice Captain Yamato




Nue explains how Yamato Rido has a barrier power that protects people from a Hyo’s negative effects (which has a huge range). Gakuro is unable to admit any crush, Yamato claiming such an accomplishment is the bare minimum for captain qualities. Nue then volunteers the idea for Gakuro to confess at the summer festival. After training, Yamato teases Gakuro, suggesting the young captain wants to date the many girls in his social circle and Tsujita accidentally interrupts Gakuro as he leaves, asking if he’s dating anyone



4 Knights of the Apocalypse 159-163


Gawain explains that they’ll have a chance to attack Beltreipe if they win, since he’s that arrogant. And she introduces her grandma and grandpa, a wood golem and dragon skeleton respectively, also saying that she can help the group get weapons for the tournament. Percival approaches Kay, who tells him about his past with Arthur, his adopted brother, who pulled Excalibur from the stone and treated him kindly even when he tried to usurp his position and lashed out in anger. Percival agrees to take Gawain, even saying Kay raised her better than he thinks



Gawain takes the group to the kitchen where it’s revealed her chef is Dubs, the Giant blacksmith that forged the Sacred Treasures used by the Seven Deadly Sins.  He initially refuses to make weapons for them, but hearing about Lancelot’s struggles to find a compatible weapon has him change his mind. The group heads to Annwfyn, while we see what appears to be a more feminine dainty Isolde saved by a taller Tristan (called Tantris)


The group meets up with Tristan/Tantris, who doesn’t recognize them at all (Arthur’s Chaos magic in Camelot probably affecting his and Isolde’s memories), but Percival confirms it is Tristan, the tournament about to start


Gawain summons a chest where Dubs will put the weapons in when he’s forged them. Percival wants to go with just Gawain, the danger more clear now, but the others insist. The first stage is a free for all, the final 16 passing to the next level of combat. Percival is attacked by an armored knight, who is called out to by others as Diodora, to his shock


We see Diodora wants to return Ironside to normal, his father insisting he has no son (seemingly due to Arthur’s converting him and Pellegarde). Percival faces off against Diodora’s aides, one using Life Spirits to attack. Nasiens and Anne also fight back, though Anne is helped by Bors (who I actually forgot was still involved) and also Chion and Isolde (the other Isolde a fake)




Monday, August 26, 2024

MSR August 2024


If you enjoy this monthly blog, I also put out bi-weekly animated film reviews among other content. Check out my Patreon ( and Ko-Fi ( to support my endeavors. Any contribution is appreciated, even sharing to friends.






Disclaimer: Scanlations and official sources both have a place in the community, but buy official manga volumes to support the author. If you can, also subscribe to Crunchyroll or Shonen Jump and/or Shonen Manga through Viz Media to read chapters virtually simultaneous with Japan. Most, if not all, of the series covered can be found through legal means, so please encourage the industry that gives us what we love




My Hero Academia concluded right at the beginning of August, right before the Obon break




4 Knights of the Apocalypse may be taking breaks, Nakaba-sensei appears to have some health issues (which might also be due to Rising Impact, his first major series, having an anime on Netflix that’s been in production for a bit)




Black Clover 472-473


Noelle struggles to fight Acier, but Solid and Nebra, both realizing how weak they were by bullying and mocking her, intervene. Nozel is healed by Kahono and Kiato, who save another healer from an angel, all the siblings standing against Acier



While Nozel takes a more defensive form with his magic, Noelle is helped by Nebra and Solid to unleash a full force attack with Leviathan, her siblings apologizing directly, which lets Noelle stop holding back, which defeats Acier. And the family has reconstituted, in spite of losing their mother


Kyokutou Necromance 15-17


Kaoru insists on going to help Yoji in spite of Manson wanting to retreat and Ryuzaki uses her Necromancy to heal Kaoru. Yoji and Ryu’s fight shows the immense power they both have, Ryu surviving his body split in two and Ryu able to channel Chitari’s strength into a blade to do so. But then Kaoru intervenes, letting Shishi take over his body to use the shiryo’s strength fully

Ryu’s sheer power is shown, still able to warp his soul back to him, as well as regenerate even when dismembered. He drains the souls of some of his subordinates, Yoji called out for limiting his soul consumption for powerful Necromancy. And while Ryu seems to have a plan, Kaoru’s persistence even when Shishi warns him the soul consumption is too much, lets him retain control of the technique. Kaoru rips out Ryu’s soul, but his own soul seems to break, rendering him unconscious


It seems Kaoru may be dead, though Ryu is also weakened enough that Chitari may be able to kill him, Yoji trying to stabilize Kaoru. Ryu offers his own soul as a catalyst to revive Kaoru, Yoji agreeing in spite of the ethical problems already established. But Kaoru awakens not knowing where Yoji is and seemingly goes back to normal life 3 months later. However he encounters Chitari, now seemingly merged with some of Ryu’s shiryo, Shishi’s voice telling him to run



Nue’s Exorcist 61-63


We learn Nue was actually weakened and Tsuchioka, the student Shitotsu found, managed to help her recover with excellent cooking. And Nue, changing the ritual blade to a new form, fights Hakutaku, who even with her own trump card of a final massive gun, is defeated. But after sealing Hakutaku, Nue is approached by Hakutaku’s superior, Raisei


Raisei is revealed to be Nue’s former contractor and has absorbed many spirits (almost like Geto from Jujutsu Kaisen), one of which he summons, which doesn’t recognize Nue because it senses fear and she has none. But she opens up, admitting her regret at being unable to save Raisei in the past. Three Exorcist Captains appear, one using his shikigami, Totetsu, to attack Habane Yatagarasu


The Exorcist Captains are forced to fight Raisei with Nue when the Kasha Hyo’s power is unleashed, just 30%, on the group, Raisei having formed a contract with it after his near death 60 years ago, his group seemingly composed of spirits that are bound to the city and linked to the Hyo’s existence, including Wanyudo as we see him disappear into dust. Thankfully Gakuro comes in to help Nue



4 Knights of the Apocalypse 158


Gawain is shocked to learn Percival is alive and we learn she was trying to help Percival in her own way, even training to become much stronger than before (controlling her size much better and her magic as well). The group decides to enter a tournament held by Beltreipe to choose those who will enter the Cauldronof Annwyfn




My Hero Academia 430 (END)


We see things 8 years later, Deku now a teacher, many others Pro Heroes. He encourages a young high schooler that feels his Quirk isn’t suited for Hero work, since there are far less Villains now than ever. Deku is given a briefcase that was created via research from All Might’s fight with All For One and he seems to be going back into Hero work with his classmates